Alec Price Ghost writer Lancashire

Contact Details

Home: 01254 831653
Mobile: 07960 609 426

21 Chapel Street
Near Chorley


Researcher – Historical – Family History –Local Issues

As a researcher, one of the most satisfying aspects of any writing project has to be, doing the research beforehand. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for family relatives past or present. It may be for a family tree, but the information that sometimes turns up is fascinating to me as a researcher.
When I was doing the research for my book; From a Saint to a King, I found some amazing facts out and I found myself imagining life as it must have been all those centuries ago.
It’s the same with looking for information about your own town or the district you live in, or even the area your family originally came from. You can unearth all sorts of things that will flabbergast you.
A lot of people who approach me for help with research have found themselves at their wits end and are ready to throw in the towel. My advice to them is ‘Never ever give up’ what you want to know is out there somewhere; let me help you find it. Give me a call, or e-mail me.